in•flux: A state of constant change, an everlasting creative flow.

13 emerging artists explore what’s in their periphery, absorb and transform the world around them, each on their own journey navigating the here and now. What is it like to see through their eyes, how their converging identities construct their realities? On the verge of self-discovery, these artists push boundaries, shift perspectives and adapt to an ever-changing culture. Through immersive installation, sculpture, painting, photography, printmaking, and multimedia, each of the artists presents an introspective experience that not only reflects the development within themselves but celebrates all that leads up to an evolving breakthrough.

Website Designers • Ash Albeser & Samantha Leigh Kearney

Photographers/Videographers • Addison Cooper, Madison Cascardo, Jamie Davidson & Ryan Levy

Graphic Designers • Shelly Crooz, Lucia Gardiner & Sarah Valente

Publicist • Jayln Giles-Ewell

Development Chair • Stephanie Rosenthal

Exhibition Coordinator • Halle Luttrell

Thesis Coordinator • Lily Gilston